Friday, October 31, 2008


I was at the bar for a bit tonight. I'm still sick, but wanted to get out as I haven't been out in a couple of weeks. Plus it's Halloween. So Danielle and I go to Tom's as usual. It was a lot of fun seeing everyone's costumes, plus we saw a butcher, a cow, a cowboy, and a pregnant farmwife do the entire Thriller dance. Twice. XD

Anyway, I was lamenting my lack of a plot for Nano. Danielle and I were tossing some stupid ideas back and forth and not coming up with much of anything. Then out of the blue I had it. Seriously, my entire plot just hit me like a freight train. I've got the main few characters, the entire story, everything in my head. I stopped in the middle of what I was saying, grinned like an idiot, and was like, "I got it." Then I told Danielle my basic idea and she just said, "Holy shit. This is why you're the writer. I wish I knew where you came up with this stuff." She loved it.

So now I'm jotting down all of the ideas I had so I don't lose any of them, and waiting for Nano to start in just over 20 minutes. I honestly don't remember being so excited to write something, and I've never had such an intricate story just pop into my head in its entirety. As long as I manage to implement it correctly, it will be GOOD.

Not even sure if this all makes sense, but I'm really pumped as I've been struggling with plot ideas for a few weeks now. I just wanted to share. Fifteen minutes to go!


Christian said...

It was the pregnant farmwife wasn't it? XD

YAY for complete story coming up with at once!

Can't wait to find out what it is? Maybe? >.>


Jadey said...

Damn I wish I had seen that thriller dance >_< It sounds hilarious.
And wow, go you for getting your story, I love it when Ideas just jump into your head its fantastic :) And yay for Nano starting.


Niall said...

Why can't I ever get to see something as awesome as people doing Thriller. XD

Denise said...

Chris, I will probably talk about bits and pieces. But like I told Jade, I won't be giving a ton of details out. I need to have people read it without knowing what is going to happen, so that I can gauge their reactions and see if I managed to pull off the story. If that makes sense. >_>

Thriller was freaking hilarious. I was going to film them the second time (didn't have my phone out the first) but they were at a bad angle so I couldn't. *shakes fist*