Not much interesting has been going on lately. I've been sick, yet again. I had a nasty cough, cold, and fever. I'm doing a bit better now, though the cough is still there and sounds awful. I'm contemplating going to the doctor if it doesn't start getting better in the next few days. I'm tired of being sick. Plus I haven't been able to do my schoolwork properly, and don't want to fall behind. I also want to be able to start exercising again. I haven't been able to in over a week because I end up having coughing fits.
I've been spending what little free time I have trying to work out some of the details of my trip to Ireland. I made it to the post office and got all of the passport paperwork taken care of, and I'm waiting for that to come in the mail. Hopefully it won't be much longer. They cashed the check for it at the end of last week. Now I'm trying to figure out what all I want to do while I'm there. I know I'll never get to everything, but I need to figure out what is most important to me and how I can get to it all. Plus I need to try and gauge how much money the trip is going to cost overall so I can budget accordingly over the next few months.
Also, I decided on a camera finally, and ordered it yesterday, along with a memory card and UV filter. I went with the Canon Rebel XSi:

I got a great deal on the camera to begin with, plus I had gift certificates, so I ended up paying half of what I originally said I would for a camera. I still need to pick up a few more things for it over the next few months. I need a bag and extra battery at least, and might look into another lens. There are a lot of kits available for the Canons as well with lenses and accessories, so I'll have to check on those. Now comes the hard part...waiting for it to get here. It's scheduled for delivery Wednesday, but I'm not sure anyone will be home to sign, so it might not be until later in the week. I can't wait!
Finally, my grandmother goes into eye surgery in the morning. I've been trying to not freak about that for the last month (with very little success I might add). It's not that big of a deal and I'm sure she'll be fine, but I can't help worrying regardless. I wish I didn't have to work and could go, but my mom will be there with her so I can live with that. And I gave my mom my work number so she can call and let me know how it went. Otherwise I'd just worry all day and keep checking my cell phone. The surgery is at 11am, so hopefully I'll hear from mom by the end of my lunch.
Then I go straight home from work so I can be here, as Gran is supposed to have someone with her constantly for the first 24 hours. She's got a follow up appointment Wednesday morning that my mom will get her to, and that's the end of it, I think. If everything goes well she'll schedule the second surgery, though I've no idea when that will be. Hopefully it will be fairly soon so she can get it over with, and I can stop freaking out and being completely irrational.
Anyway, that's enough for tonight. I'll post an update on my Gran, I'm sure, and try to stick to posting more regularly in general. More goal updates will be coming soon as well. But for now, I need to get to bed and try to kick this cold.
Hooray new camera!!!
It's quite sexy :D
I'm sure your gran will be fine, she's too awesome not to be ;) What's she having done?
yayyyy I'm so glad you finally got your camera that's amazing <3
Its really pretty <3
We forgive you for not updating :P <3
I hope your Gran is ok, it should be all fine though <3 Whats the surgery for?
And my package still hasn't come :O :G
Nice camera :D How are you finding it? <3
Oh, and people who neglect their blogs should be shot ^_^ *puts on flak jacket*
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