Sunday, February 28, 2010

Project 365, Week Three

I'm not doing a great job of keeping up with these posts, but at least I've been managing to keep up with the picture taking. I have all of the pictures through the end of February uploaded and ready to go, so I'll post week three now, and week four in a day or two. Hopefully then I'll be able to start posting these weekly, every Sunday or Monday.

Day 15 - Mom got me a new necklace. It's bendy! She bought it at a little gallery in Ligonier, and I really like it. You can make it into whatever you want, different necklaces and bracelets and whatnot. The only downside is that every time i wear it, I spend half my work day playing with it!

Day 16 - my latest Least I Could Do: Beginnings book came today!

Day 17 - I have a bit of an addiction to Twinings Christmas tea. The sad thing is, I've already gone through two boxes...

Day 18 - was watching a bit of the men's skating in the Olympics this night, and snapped this. Johnny Weir is a strange, strange man.

Day 19 - my mom bought me one of the jumbo monkeys from Woot! It makes monkey noises and everything. (Yes I am a big kid. Leave me alone.)

Day 20 - I keep my movie ticket stubs. Realized that I might go and see too many movies.

Day 21 - Another thing I think I buy/get too many of? Journals. These are just the ones I have that are easily accessible. I have probably three or four others, and I keep buying more because I find ones that I like. This wouldn't be such a problem if I actually wrote in them...

And there we have it for week three. I'll post the next batch sometime this week, before I leave for Providence. I'm hoping to get one other entry in between them, as I don't want to post nothing but photo blogs on here.


Christian said...


Also I see the Lannister journal and I WANT THAT TOO!

Stop having things I want.


anonisme said...

wow, beautiful undersea pics, post moar! =]

Brandy Wilcoxen said...

I have a "collection" of journals as well and I just can't make myself part with them.

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