Saturday, October 17, 2009

Ireland, day 4 (pictures)

And here are some more pictures from the fourth day of our trip:

Jade in front of Blarney Castle:

Another view from Blarney Castle:

Yet another view from a different side of Blarney Castle:

Me at the Lakes of Killarney:

Some rocks in the middle of the lake:

Me inside Muckross Abbey:

Jade inside the Muckross Abbey fireplace:

Another view of Muckross Abbey:

One shot from inside Muckross Abbey:

Surfers - Dingle Peninsula:

Dingle Peninsula:

Yet another from the Dingle Peninsula - I got so many amazing pictures there, the scenery was just amazing:

Dingle Peninsula again. Took this one out the car window and thought it turned out pretty well:

Another on the Dingle Peninsula, once again showing my mad skills at hanging out a car window taking pictures:


Christian said...

I love the pic of you poking your head out, like "Oh hai" XD.

Dingle pics are awesome! So pretty.

Hehe Dingle >.>


Niall said...

It's pics like these that make me yearn to visit Ireland properly one day. Oh, the second photo reminds me of one of those aerial pics taken from a helicopter or something :D