There isn't really anything else to say on that subject. I'm surprised how much I still want to work on my novel. Of course, I will be taking a few days completely off to give myself a break and some time to think how I want to progress on a few parts of the story. ^_^
Also, I realized this is my third year of Nano, and also the third time I've won. I'm so glad that I found out about this through a few people on CAD. It's given me far more motivation to write than I'd ever given myself. Now if I could only finish one of my stories....
Happy Thanksgiving!
Also, I just hit 45,000 words. WOOOOOOOOOO!
I really have little to no motivation to write at all right now. However, it would be a tragedy to get this far only to quit at the end. So I'll keep plugging away...I'm past today's required word count and it's only 3pm, so hopefully I can get ahead this evening. I'd love to finish by about tomorrow but we'll see how that goes.
On another note, my grandmother wants me to run errands for her tomorrow. Why? I told her she should do her own errands as I was not going out on Black Friday, but I'm sure she'll manage to guilt me into it somehow. *shakes fist*
Gah, still need to study a bit for my exam tomorrow before I go to sleep, so this is going to be a short entry. I'm not sure if I'll get to write tomorrow though I'm going to try and get about a thousand words in. Of course, I have to stop at Barnes and Noble after class to pick up a new book, so who knows if my novel will even end up opened tomorrow. Oh well, at least I'm ahead! And I have Thursday and Friday off work...
Needed word count: 40,008
Current word count: 42,271
Words left to 50k: 7,729
So I didn't bother blogging all weekend again. Not surprising really, I write at such odd times that regular posts are difficult. At any rate, I passed the 40k, though I didn't get much more than that. Still, I'm nearly done, and I'm more than a day ahead.
I have a big exam on Tuesday so I don't know how much I'm going to be able to write, but I'm going to try and get in as much as I possibly can. It would be nice to get the last 10k finished sometime during this week, and then I don't have to worry about it over the weekend. Considering I have Thursday and Friday off due to the holiday, it's entirely possible.
I can't believe Nano is so close to being over. Here's hoping that I actually continue with this novel once I've hit the 50k and am not obligated to write daily!
Needed word count: 38,341
Current word count: 40,515
Words left to 50k: 9,485
I'd just decided I was taking the night off, but then Angela messaged me and wanted to do an hour-long writing session. I haven't warred in a while and tend to not be so sluggish when I do, so I figured I might as well. I wasn't going to push myself much though as I was having conversations and tea shopping.
Yet I somehow managed to hit nearly 1400 words. Some of them may even be coherent. I'm now over 35k, and I think I'm going to make my goal for the end of the weekend 43k. Ideally I'd hit 45k but I don't think that's realistic at all with everything I have planned.
And now it's time for bed. Only one more day left of work before it's the weekend, and then a short week next week!
Needed word count: 33,340
Current word count: 35,654
Words left to 50k: 14,346
Was too tired to worry about blogging last night. I did type some. I think it was around 900 words. Still not too shabby. Tonight went well for the word count.
I'm starting to get sick of Nano though. Don't get me wrong, I still love my plot. I love my characters, and I'm having a lot of fun. And I really want to continue with this and eventually finish the book. But I'm tired of having to type nearly 2000 words a day. This in addition to 10 hours spent at work or driving, school, and all of the other things I have to do.
Of course, I'm starting to get into the home stretch with the 50k, so that probably explains a bit of it. But mostly it's work. I'm on the computer all day, entering orders, making spreadsheets, emailing vendors back and forth. Then I come home and have to type another 2000 words. No wonder I haven't been wanting to start until 10pm. :p
My goal is to have 40k by the end of the weekend, and preferably 45k. My weekend is looking like it's going to be insanely busy, but we'll see.
Needed word count: 31,673
Current word count: 34,258
Words left to 50k: 15,742
Again, not writing much. It's nearly time for bed and I'm exhausted and cranky. I only even wrote tonight because I didn't want to be obligated to write tomorrow if I don't feel like it. I have work, then class, and it's supposed to be really bad weather. So I somehow doubt I'll be coming home wanting to pop on the computer and work.
Tonight went alright though, I think I got over 2k again. Under 20k to finish for the year. Hopefully I'm not so burnt out when I'm done that I drop the story instead of finishing it...
Needed word count: 28,339
Current word count: 31,124
Words left to 50k: 18,876
Don't have a ton of time for this entry, because I have a few things I want to get done before I need to go to bed. I didn't hit the 30k but I've passed 29, so I decided that was good. I think I typed about 2.5k today.
I'm hoping to have time for another entry tomorrow, besides the daily Nano one. Have some random things floating around in my head that I want to get on here. We'll see though...damn my busy schedule!
Needed word count: 26,672
Current word count: 29,045
Words left to 50k: 20,955
Today I was entirely too busy. I got a little writing done in the morning, but I was out the door by 11, so it wasn't much. I went to Barnes & Noble and picked up a present for someone, then went to Danielle's black belt ceremony in the afternoon.
I didn't get home until after 7pm, and Danielle came over around 9 to watch Casino Royale so we could go see Quantum of Solace tomorrow. I've written bits here and there throughout the day, and I'm continuing to do the same now as I try and figure out everyone's Christmas gifts.
I'll post an actual word count tomorrow evening, as I'm not done yet for tonight and I know I won't remember to update this post before bed. I'm aiming for at least 30k, which shouldn't be an issue even with my busy day tomorrow.
Now if I would just remember to do my laundry....and I might even post something not Nano related soon too.
That about sums it up for tonight. I did two more of the hour-long sprints with Angela and Jamie, and got quite a bit done. I'm still getting along well with the scenes too, no more writer's block issues. Hopefully it stays that way.
On a non-noveling note, work is insane but going well. Cori actually yelled at me yesterday and told me to mess something up, because it was creeping her out that I hadn't made any mistakes yet. My test in class went wonderfully, I got a 97. Now I just have to do well on the last two. Hmm, what else. I haven't really been up to anything but work and writing.
Danielle gets her black belt tomorrow, so I'm going to see that. Then Sunday is Quantum of Solace. Here's hoping I actually have time for laundry and writing this weekend!
Needed word count: 23,338
Current word count: 26,036
Words left to 50k: 23,964
Again, I didn't really write before 10pm tonight. At about 9:50, Angela messaged me, and I was happy because I haven't warred in a few days and thought maybe it would help. She said, "Hey do you have an hour to write?" to which I replied of course I did, as that's what I was planning to do for the next hour anyway. She suggested we write for 10 minutes, break for 5. Then repeat that twice more, and then have a 15 minute war to end the hour. She said she'd done that the past couple of days and always hit over 1000 words. I agreed, happy to have any form of motivation to write.
In the first three wars (the 10 minute ones) I wrote over 1200 words. Total for the hour? 1826. More than the daily count. Instant mood lift. Not to mention, I started writing a scene and it was just flying. I glanced over it at the end of the war too, and it actually seems *gasp* good! I don't want to stop writing either, but I'm about to collapse from exhaustion so I suppose I should do the sleep thing.
Does this mean I've gotten over my writer's block? For now at least. ^_^
Needed word count: 21,671
Current word count: 23,210
Words left to 50k: 26,790
The second week of Nano nearly always sucks. The initial fun wears off, and you start to realize how awful your writing is. The third week is a bit better because you can see the light at the end of the tunnel, and the fourth week is nearly as fun as the first because you're rushing to the finish. But the second week...I hate it so.
Did okay tonight, though I couldn't force myself to start writing until almost 10pm. Still banged out about 1800 words. That's all I really have to say about that. I need to find some word wars soon, or something. I think tomorrow I may try and get some extra writing in, if I can motivate myself. If I write the first 15 minutes of every hour that I'm home after work, until it's time for bed, I can probably get about 2500-3000 words.
We'll see how it goes tomorrow, but for now I'm beat. This week has been rough. I honestly thought it was Thursday but no. Only two more days and then I can have a break.
Needed word count: 20,004
Current word count: 21,314
Words left to 50k: 28,686
Tuesdays are such a busy day for me, you'd think I wouldn't have any time to write. That said, I did really well tonight, so well in fact that I just realized it was after 11 and I really need to sleep. Otherwise I might be able to go for another hour.
Doing a bit better on the plot though a lot of it is still just summarizing what I want to happen and leaving the specifics out. I'll get to this later, but in the meantime at least I'm progressing.
I had the thought tonight that I might cut out a lot of Kieran's past so that I have more space for the rest of the story...which pretty much means that about three days of work would be useless and subsequently deleted. I won't make any decisions on it until after I'm entirely done with the first draft though.
I wrote more than the daily amount tonight, which is great. I'm more than 1k ahead again. Hopefully I keep this up the rest of the week.
Needed word count: 18,337
Current word count: 19,525
Words left to 50k: 30,475
Didn't update for a couple of days, but I wasn't doing well on the word count and was spending time trying to write instead of blogging.
I'm still a bit stuck with my novel. I'm simultaneously writing two different things, and I'm not sure exactly where to go with either of them. I've been plugging away though, and while it's not been easy I've been forcing myself to write something to get through it. As long as I get the basics down I can flesh it out and fix it up later on. A lot of it is research that needs to be done, though I'm also having trouble with some of the plot specifics.
I'm glad I was ahead, as I've managed to not fall behind yet. I had a pretty productive night tonight as well, so I'm even back to being a bit ahead again. I'm going to try and write around 2k a day for the rest of the week. That's the daily word count plus 300-400 words. It's not much extra, but that 300 words a day will add up quickly and give me a nice buffer for the next time I get stuck. Or ideally it will help me finish the 50k early.
For now I'm a little over 600 words ahead, and I'm happy I've brought myself back to that.
Needed word count: 16,667
Current word count: 17,289
Words left to 50k: 32,711
Writing is not going well right now. I've hit a mental wall about the point of writing a damned novel for no reason, so I'm taking the night off and updating my goal list instead. I won't quit or anything, but I'll be in a funk for a day or so. Glad that I was ahead on my word count now!
1. Nano novel. Shelved for the month. I don't have time for it, and I don't want to try switching back and forth between two entirely different plots and sets of characters or I'll screw myself up.
2. Write every day. I've been writing plenty, lol.
3. Let other people read my writing. Meh. I'm only working on this year's Nano, and I really don't like people seeing my first drafts, as they're utter shit.
4. Learn Japanese. I'm skimming through my notes and vocabulary a little bit every day. Honestly don't have time for more right now, but I'll keep up with that at least.
5. Start buying less stuff, and finish what I have lying around the house. Yeah I spent nearly $300 on a printer and purses. I think I fail this goal this time around. XD
6. Organize my stuff and get rid of unnecessary clutter. Failed this one too. My room looks like a tornado blew through it. I will be spending some time on it tomorrow in between writing though.
7. Get through borrowed stuff. Finished Ultimate Spider-Man, and more library books. I'm up to book six of the Stephanie Plum series. I'm not sure how much more I'll get through because of Nano, but I'm going to try.
8. Nano 2008. This looks like the only goal I'm doing really well with this time around. I'm at least a day ahead of schedule. Like I said I've hit a mental wall, but hopefully can beat my way through it and get back on track.
Enough for now, it's time for some sleep. Hopefully I wake up in a better mood and can get some writing and cleaning in. I'll update on Nano tomorrow night whatever happens.
...was technically yesterday. I'm not posting a word count yet, because I did some writing last night after I got home and I don't know where I was at the end of the day. I'll just update tonight.
I have a dilemma though. How the hell long should chapters be? I can't gauge how many pages something will be by looking at a computer screen. I'm kind of making new chapters where I feel like it, and they're all over the place with length. And I never know whether I should make a new chapter or just hit enter a few times and make a different scene within the same chapter.
I suppose it's silly to even think about it at this point, but the less I have to be redoing stuff down the road, the better. I also know no one who reads this is likely to have a clue, but I was starting to write for the day and it was bugging me.
And now I'm off to write. Word count wise I'm still ahead of where I need to be for the next day or so, but I'm trying to get ahead. Still aiming for 25k but not sure that will happen. I have a purse party later, Madagascar 2, a haircut, and the Steeler game tomorrow. But we'll see how it goes! 20k at the very least should be feasible.
I hit around 2k for the day before 9pm. I really did intend to get a little bit extra done, but then got distracted. Oh well. It was nice to finish up early and take a couple of hours to myself. It gave me time to read some Janet Evanovich before Jade passes me in that series!
This whole Kieran talking about his past chapter is turning out to be a lot more in depth than I originally planned. He's not even a vampire yet and this chapter is 3200 words so far. He actually only just had his first contact with a vampire, though he won't know it for a while. *Sigh* I'm really not sure how to handle it now. I might have him go up to when he becomes a vampire, then something happens and he doesn't get to finish the story until later? Or maybe when I go and edit the novel I'll take the entire sequence out. At the moment though the backstory seems important. We'll see how it turns out in the end.
I am also discovering that I need to do quite a bit of research. This novel is based in our world, after all. It doesn't have to be completely accurate but I want the general details to fit the time period I'm in. I doubt I'll get into it this month though. For now I've just been vague with details and added little notes to look up clothing styles and architecture and such. Shit...that means when I go add all of that in, this chapter will be even longer.
Does anyone know what a normal sized book would be, number of words wise? I know 50k is way too short but I want to say a normal book is 70-80k. It just seems I have over 14k words and haven't gotten to a LOT of my story yet!
Enough babble for tonight. Tomorrow is Friday, thank goodness. I can't take any more of this week. Hopefully I'll get a large chunk done this weekend. Still aiming for 25k by Sunday night, though I won't push it too much.
Needed word count: 10,001
Current word count: 14,010
Words left to 50k: 35,990
I had a hell of a long day again today. Work is insane, and I was exhausted when I got home. Then of course I had to fiddle with setting up my new printer, which arrived already today! By the time I got to it, writing wasn't going so well, but then I went through about a 1200 word push in the last hour or so while chatting to Christian.
I'd really like to hit 25k by the end of Sunday night, but we'll see how that goes. I might get stuck on the story. Actually I already kind of got stuck, I wasn't in the mood to write the big fight scene that's about to start. Instead I skipped ahead to where Kieran tells the others about his past. I also discovered he had six brothers and two sisters. Damn him. At least I only have to name two of them. (Thanks Chris! <3)
As always, name suggestions are welcome. Poor Vampire2 is starting to get sad that he has no name. And before I go on and on about my characters as though they were real people and scare you all, I'm heading to bed! See you all tomorrow.
Needed word count: 8,335
Current word count: 12,011
Words left to 50k: 37,989
Wow, it's only day 4? I have a long way to go.
Today I didn't plan to write at all, as I was running around constantly from the time I got up, shortly after 5am. I bought a printer, went and voted, worked all day, then crammed for my test. Then I had the test, came home and had to eat, shower, etc. I think I did okay on the test, I know I did better than the first one.
Got home fairly early and Angela messaged me for wars so I decided to try it. I'm pretty out of it so it was really rough going. Still managed to get over 1k, somehow.
That's it for tonight, I need to go to bed. Any name suggestions are still welcome. Not just for Vampire2, I'll still have a number of minor characters who will need named within the next week. No worries about the writing software though. I've started using yWriter and I'm loving it.
Needed word count: 6,668
Current word count: 10,103
Words left to 50k: 39,997
On an unrelated note, CONGRATULATIONS to Danielle, who found out today she passed her test and is now a black belt!!! ^_^
I stopped writing a bit early tonight. I don't have to be in bed for nearly an hour, but I need to study some more and get everything together for tomorrow. I have such a long day. I have to get up, get ready (and look nice because I'm getting my picture taking for my security ID for work), leave an hour early, go vote, work all day, go study for an hour, take an exam, then I get to come home. Then I have to shower, eat, and get ready for work Wednesday. Maybe I'll even have time to write for a few minutes.
I got more writing in tonight than I expected to, which was nice. Word wars helped. Still pretty well ahead and I'm trying to keep it that way. I'm stuck on some names though. At the moment I'm just leaving them blank or putting in something stupid that I can easily change later. Niall has made an appearance, but he has a cousin who needs a name. Right now he's just "Vampire 2". I also need a good name for a nightclub. If anyone has any suggestions please let me know!
I'm hoping to have time to write tomorrow. I'd really like to break the 10k mark and get into the massive fight scene that's starting within a few pages. But for now I'm off to study...or to download Rough Draft and see if I can learn to work it.
Needed word count: 5,001
Current word count: 9,019
Words left to 50k: 40,981
I still haven't picked between the three names I have for one of my vampires. But he hasn't actually been mentioned in the novel yet, so I suppose that's alright. I'm going to get to him in the next chapter or two though so I need to decide soon. I did manage to come up with names for three of my other characters with very little hassle though, which was surprising but I will definitely not complain.
As far as the story goes, I'm pretty much through with the initial setup and should be getting into the fun stuff in the next day or two. I can't wait, though there are going to be a number of fights and I am not at all confident in my ability to choreograph fights and make them realistic. The first turned out really well though. I'll just wing it and see how it goes. I can always spend time editing them later on.
I'm really happy with the progress I've made and the story so far. I can definitely see myself writing this one through to the end and then going back to fix it up. I adore this plot. Here's hoping I don't botch it too badly!
If anyone knows any good programs for novel writing, please let me know. Microsoft Word sucks, big time. I've heard of Rough Draft and yWriter, so I'm thinking of checking one or both of those out. Please comment if you have any suggestions!
Needed word count: 3,334
Current word count: 7,077
Words left to 50k: 42,923
Ok it's 11:50pm, so day one of Nano is pretty much finished. I'd wanted to get about 10k written this first weekend, as I know I'm going to fall behind during the week and wanted to get off to a good start. I didn't hit 5k today, but at least I'm ahead a little bit.
I did get some notes down regarding plot and whatnot, which aren't part of the word count since they're not part of the novel. But it helped to get the general plot organized in my head, and I added in a few more major events that need to happen.
I have a list of details that need to be figured out in the next few days, dealing with some of the characters. And I'm working on names for everyone. Which is always the hardest thing for me to do. I've got two of the main characters though, and I've narrowed it down to three choices for another character. Hopefully I can figure out a few of the others, or if not they'll just end up being numbered for now, like I did last year. I'm supposed to write 1,667 words a day, I can't spend two weeks messing around with names.
Enough of a first update. I probably won't even write this much every day, but I will at least post the word count I'm supposed to be at, as well as my actual word count. See you tomorrow!
Needed word count: 1,667
Current word count: 3,124
Words left to 50k: 46,876