Saturday, November 15, 2008

Day 15

Today I was entirely too busy. I got a little writing done in the morning, but I was out the door by 11, so it wasn't much. I went to Barnes & Noble and picked up a present for someone, then went to Danielle's black belt ceremony in the afternoon.

I didn't get home until after 7pm, and Danielle came over around 9 to watch Casino Royale so we could go see Quantum of Solace tomorrow. I've written bits here and there throughout the day, and I'm continuing to do the same now as I try and figure out everyone's Christmas gifts.

I'll post an actual word count tomorrow evening, as I'm not done yet for tonight and I know I won't remember to update this post before bed. I'm aiming for at least 30k, which shouldn't be an issue even with my busy day tomorrow.

Now if I would just remember to do my laundry....and I might even post something not Nano related soon too.


Jadey said...

At least you were productive:)
And you got a little writing done so its not entirely too bad:)

Niall said...

Danielle is officially a killing machine. I'm scared already :P

Nice to know you got stuff done :)

Christian said...

Congrats again to Danielle :D

Casino Royale is so good, I can't wait to see Quantum.

Way to write even when you were busy :D